We are bringing the creative spirit of Leonardo da Vinci, Tesla and Bell laboratories to the 21st century.

The new lab will allow us to bring useful and helpful inventions to life, and provide a fun and friendly environment where cutting-edge research can take place unhindered by corporate pressure and academic red tape.

With only a few rooms and a handful of people, we hope to bring you more innovation than most large institutions have since the invention of the transistor at Bell Labs in the 1940s.

We need your support to make it happen and want you to be part of our journey, to join us in the exciting adventure of writing new chapters in science, technology, art and innovation.

From a business perspective, the new lab can become profitable within a relatively short time frame, allowing us to reward those who support us and have faith in our dream and vision.
Looking at the big picture, the lab is so much more than a business, it can be a catalyst for global change by providing real solutions to real problems at every level of human activities, which is our real motivation.
Blender model of lab

Venice Inventors New Lab Timeline


Seeking funding for the new lab is done via multiple channels, donations, crowd-funding, grants, investors, etc.
The goal is to raise a minimum of $15M, to guarantee full coverage of the infrastructure and operating cost for at least 2 years.
Phase 1


Acquisition of a suitable building and all the necessary equipment and parts required for the short-term R&D and manufacturing goals.
Phase 2 (30 days)


Installation of each lab section, such as computing, electronics, chemistry, physics, manufacturing, research and documentation.
At this stage the lab becomes fully ready and operational.
Phase 3 (30 days)


Capitalizing on all the research from the previous labs, the main focus of this phase is to select a handful of validated products and bring them to their final state, that is, ready for manufacturing, licensing or transfer.
Phase 4 (3 months)

Manufacturing, Marketing, Distribution

According to each product type, this phase involves bringing products to market and negotiating licensing or IP transfers.
As dedicated teams will handle the commercial aspects of this phase, R&D can resume in parallel to provide the next batch of products.
Phase 5 (3 months)

Optimization, Growth

Review and fine tuning of processes, using lessons learned during phase 4 and 5, to build a solid, repeatable R&D to delivery cycle.
Expand infrastructure and teams as needed, Increase public awareness and involvement (live streams, meetings, partnerships)
Phase 6 (30 days)

Rinse and Repeat

Continue innovating and growing.
Phase 7 (3 months)


Review financial results, accomplishments. Recognize and reward all supporters and keep doing more of what works into the next year and beyond.
1 Year Mark

How will the funds be used?

We have devised a simple plan to safely allocate the funds in a responsible way. One third of the funds goes to the physical infrastructure, one third goes to operations, and the last third is kept as a reserve buffer for production.

The most significant upfront expense is purchasing the building where the lab will be located. We see it as a wise investment rather than an expense because property value typically increases over time, and it saves a lot of funds that would be spent on rent otherwise. A small fraction of the infrastructure cost (1%) will cover the broad range of equipment, parts and furniture necessary for a fully functional inventor's lab.

Day to day operations require a research and development team, support team, a marketing team, occasional services from outside firms, supplies, and various utilities such as electricity and internet.
The teams include our resident genius, his apprentice, helpers, interns and volunteers with one common goal, turning ideas into working products.
The marketing team will take care of getting the word out on social media, advertising and making presentations.
Specialized firms will be in charge of administrative tasks such as accounting, legal counseling, IP licensing, and so on.

The purpose of the reserve funds is to allow us to promptly fulfill large orders which require more funds than the operations budget can provide, to quickly start manufacturing without having to wait for a bank to approve a loan, and only to fill the gap where payment upon delivery is guaranteed via an escrow account or similar mechanism.